Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chondroitin sulfate shows significant efficacy in controlling the progresin of Osteoarthritis.

Reported by the clinician STOPP trial results, published last month in the prestigious journal of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), Arthritis & Rheumatism

This international study, which has enjoyed the participation of 622 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, provides a crucial development because it shows that condroitn sulfate prevents reduction in the intraarticular space significantly and, therefore, is effective in controlling the degenerative process of osteoarthritis.

Condroitn sulfate, given daily for two years at a dose of 800 mg, reduces prdida intraarticular space that occurs in osteoarthritis of the knee. An encouraging fact that the study shows STOPP (Study on Osteoarthritis Progression Prevention) published in February the number of n1 in rheumatologist magazine, Arthritis & Rheumatism.

Diminish the joint space significantly less in the CS group (-0.07 0.03 mm) versus placebo (-0.31 0.04 mm) between the start and end of the study [p <0.0001].

In addition, this study confirms the effect sintomtico sulfate condroitn slow because patients treated with the study were reduced in frmaco chondroprotection comparacin pain with placebo.

Condroitn sulfate also showed tolerability and adverse effects rate similar to placebo. The majority of adverse effects were transient and mild.

Characteristics of the study
STOPP study, led by Dr. Andre Kahan (University Paris Descartes), include 622 subjects with knee osteoarthritis of both sexes and aged between 45 and 80 years. All persons included in the trial received chondroitin sulfate or placebo daily for 2 years. The study, randomized and double blind, concludes that condroitn sulfate significantly reduces radiolg progresin derivative of osteoarthritis.

Condroitn Sulfate
The Condroitn sulfate is an important component of the majority of vertebrate tissues. Part of glycosaminoglycans, which are important structural constituents of the extracellular matrix of cartlago. Condroitn sulfate is a chondroprotection frmaco of deed sintomtica slow that record in the 3 structures affected in osteoarthritis: cartlago, synovium and subchondral bone.
Efficacy and Safety of condroitn sulfate have been confirmed with the results of studies clinician and with the support of institutions MXIM 'scientific rigor, such as:
Condroitn sulfate disminucin is effective in improving pain and mobility associated with the disease artrsica:
or 5 studies versus placebo
or 2 studies versus NSAIDs
3 metaanlisis
Condroitn sulfate can control progresin of osteoarthritis.
or 6 studies versus placebo
1 metaanlisis
Condroitn sulfate has a higher security level higher than the Classics therapy (analgsicos or inflammatory) and similar to placebo.
Condroitn sulfate does not interact with other frmacos (ideal for patients with polypharmacy) without being metabolized by cytochrome P450.
Est Condroitn sulfate indicated for use in patients with WHO joints (knee, finger and hip).
EULAR recommendations for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee measured at the evidence condroitn ms sulfate high (1A), the highest level of recomendacin (A) and the best safety profile.
The guages of OARSI, appeared in the year 2008, appears condroitn sulfate between treatments with a greater effect dick size and level of evidence 1A.
Reported Espaola Society of rheumatologists (SER), the sulfate condroitn: Decreases pain and improves mobility, reduces the need for NSAIDs and may analgsicos and control of osteoarthritis progresin , otorgndole the degree of recomendacin A and the level of evidence 1A.

All these data suggest that was est entering a new era of osteoarthritis TERAPUTICO to have that treat frmacos raz base or disease. In addition, they improve the quality of life of patients and artrsicos important reduccin cost Crnica involved in this disease. Thus, the chondro therapy must be based treatment of osteoarthritis (both in their prevention introduced as in osteoarthritis).

1 comment:

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