Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chondroitin sulfate shows significant efficacy in controlling the progresin of Osteoarthritis.

Reported by the clinician STOPP trial results, published last month in the prestigious journal of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), Arthritis & Rheumatism

This international study, which has enjoyed the participation of 622 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, provides a crucial development because it shows that condroitn sulfate prevents reduction in the intraarticular space significantly and, therefore, is effective in controlling the degenerative process of osteoarthritis.

Condroitn sulfate, given daily for two years at a dose of 800 mg, reduces prdida intraarticular space that occurs in osteoarthritis of the knee. An encouraging fact that the study shows STOPP (Study on Osteoarthritis Progression Prevention) published in February the number of n1 in rheumatologist magazine, Arthritis & Rheumatism.

Diminish the joint space significantly less in the CS group (-0.07 0.03 mm) versus placebo (-0.31 0.04 mm) between the start and end of the study [p <0.0001].

In addition, this study confirms the effect sintomtico sulfate condroitn slow because patients treated with the study were reduced in frmaco chondroprotection comparacin pain with placebo.

Condroitn sulfate also showed tolerability and adverse effects rate similar to placebo. The majority of adverse effects were transient and mild.

Characteristics of the study
STOPP study, led by Dr. Andre Kahan (University Paris Descartes), include 622 subjects with knee osteoarthritis of both sexes and aged between 45 and 80 years. All persons included in the trial received chondroitin sulfate or placebo daily for 2 years. The study, randomized and double blind, concludes that condroitn sulfate significantly reduces radiolg progresin derivative of osteoarthritis.

Condroitn Sulfate
The Condroitn sulfate is an important component of the majority of vertebrate tissues. Part of glycosaminoglycans, which are important structural constituents of the extracellular matrix of cartlago. Condroitn sulfate is a chondroprotection frmaco of deed sintomtica slow that record in the 3 structures affected in osteoarthritis: cartlago, synovium and subchondral bone.
Efficacy and Safety of condroitn sulfate have been confirmed with the results of studies clinician and with the support of institutions MXIM 'scientific rigor, such as:
Condroitn sulfate disminucin is effective in improving pain and mobility associated with the disease artrsica:
or 5 studies versus placebo
or 2 studies versus NSAIDs
3 metaanlisis
Condroitn sulfate can control progresin of osteoarthritis.
or 6 studies versus placebo
1 metaanlisis
Condroitn sulfate has a higher security level higher than the Classics therapy (analgsicos or inflammatory) and similar to placebo.
Condroitn sulfate does not interact with other frmacos (ideal for patients with polypharmacy) without being metabolized by cytochrome P450.
Est Condroitn sulfate indicated for use in patients with WHO joints (knee, finger and hip).
EULAR recommendations for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee measured at the evidence condroitn ms sulfate high (1A), the highest level of recomendacin (A) and the best safety profile.
The guages of OARSI, appeared in the year 2008, appears condroitn sulfate between treatments with a greater effect dick size and level of evidence 1A.
Reported Espaola Society of rheumatologists (SER), the sulfate condroitn: Decreases pain and improves mobility, reduces the need for NSAIDs and may analgsicos and control of osteoarthritis progresin , otorgndole the degree of recomendacin A and the level of evidence 1A.

All these data suggest that was est entering a new era of osteoarthritis TERAPUTICO to have that treat frmacos raz base or disease. In addition, they improve the quality of life of patients and artrsicos important reduccin cost Crnica involved in this disease. Thus, the chondro therapy must be based treatment of osteoarthritis (both in their prevention introduced as in osteoarthritis).

SENER manufacture and market a robot for surgery laparoscpica voice guidance.

The company SENER Engineering and Systems, SA has licensed manufacturer of medical devices for the Wizard industrializacin Robot Surgeries Laparoscpica. The robot, which won the Award for Best Inventium patent in 2007, is a system that positions the laparoscope in the abdominal cavity of the patient, following the commands given by the surgeon's voice.

The Assistant Robot frees the surgeon from the task of sujeciny CMAR guidance of the laparoscope and five degrees of freedom allow you to mimic the motions of this activity. Being an automatic system for precision the position of the Chamber is totally stable, providing a high quality image to the surgeon who runs the operation. The robot is porttil not need ningn type of installation in quirfano or anchors the operating table and has a large autonomous, allowing you to tackle long-duration operations.

The engineer company Espaa be the first to manufacture this type of robots

The company IT company has applied its experience in control systems for precision actuaciny to develop this product into your System Practitioners Online surveys. The health license issued by the Agency Espaola Medicines and Health Products, is the first granted by this body for a robot of these Features. With it the company will manufacture and market the Robot to Aid in Surgeries Laparoscpica, first manufactured in spain.

As a next step in the marketing of this robot SENER, as exclusive licensee of the patent system espaola attendance robotics invasive cirugamnimamente capable of positioning an instrument in response to quirrgico AYMENT ORDERS fijacina a surgeon without the operating table or after calibracin insertion point, has requested the International Extension of the patent within the European Community, Norteamrica and Asia.

About SENER Engineering and Systems, SA
SENER is an engineering company, Consulting & integration of systems that now gives it an international reference in the ares of Aerospace Engineering, Civil and Architecture, Engineering Processes and Naval Energay . It has a staff of 2,000 ms facturacin employees and more than 350 million. It currently has offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia, Seville, Algiers, Buenos Aires, Lisbon, Mxico DF, Okayama (Japn), San Francisco and Warsaw. Ingenieray SENER SENER Systems is part of Group Engineering, one of the largest engineering groups spaniards, with 4,500 ms and a facturacin exceeding 753 million euros.

spaa begins in a pioneering study that may change the diagnostic and monitoring of hypertensive patients.

EVOLVE study  ms have 4,000 patients and aims to demonstrate that new systems of the pressure monitorizacin pressure, MAP and AMPA, improve prediccin of cardiovascular complications and, consequently, may contribute to the reduction of morbidity and mortality in hypertensive patients.

 hypertensin The estimated pressure and its consequences are the leading cause of mortality in Espaay, despite this, experts believe that their control is an "inadequate".

 One in three adults suffer hypertensin spaniards pressure.

Reported CARDIORISC  study, which evaluated 100,000 patients leads to arterial hypertensin Espaa, 50% of treated hypertensives is not well controlled your blood press on.

 in addition, this study reveals that conventional medicine is overdiagnosis about 30% of patients.

Arranca en Espaa clinician an ambitious study that may significantly improve the management of blood on our pas hypertensin. Under the name of EVOLVE and an estimated participation of 4,000 ms prediabticos patients and diabetics, the Society of hypertensin Espaola Espaola-League for the Fight Against Blood hypertensin (SEH-LELHA), together with the association so the prevention of cardiovascular risk (PRECAN) and ulcer, intends to see that the new systems of blood monitorizacin of the pressure, MAP (monitorizacin ambulatory blood pressure of the pressure for 24 hours) and AMPA (self medicate pressure of the pressure) are tcnico ms accurate in the diagnostic and monitoring of patients and therefore may contribute in the reduction of morbidity and mortality in hypertensive patients. An advance of great impact if we consider that one in three adults has hypertensin Espaa.

The EVOLVE study is the first step toward a major in evolucin hypertensin management, said Dr. Luis Miguel Ruilope chief hypertensin Unit of Hospital 12 de Octubre de Madrid and member of the Sociedad-Liga hypertensin Espaola of Espaola to Combat hypertensin Arterial (SEH-LELHA) for the submission of this work was held today within the framework of the 14th meeting of the SEH-LELHA. This is a RESEARCH that will offer a considerable improvement for many patients so far diagnosed or over-medicated at risk of suffering a heart attack, stroke, cardiac and renal failure, and premature death. Being a world reference as it is the first study to be conducted including the MAP and AMPA as systems for monitoring blood hypertensin has aadido Dr. Julin Segura, Specialist Unit of hypertensin the Hospital 12 de Octubre.

The tcnico of diagnostics and monitoring in hypertensive patients is the same for many DCAD. Therefore urges the implantacin of a system that reliably detected for ms real tension value and therefore help the physician to better control hypertensin, said Dr. Pedro Aranda, president of the SEH-LELHA.

The EVOLVE study is the result of the findings of the CARDIORISC project, an initiative undertaken by the SEH nica-ao LELHA in 2004 and has been installing 1,200 ms ambulatory MAP in all Espaa and assess nearly 100,000 people with hypertension with this technique. The clinician anlisis-epidemiolgico of the measures taken in these patients indicates that the control of the pressure reaches 50% pressure using ABPM, compared to 25% is achieved with the system of medici No conventional explains Dr. Aranda.

This difference is due to the fact that the conventional medical system pressure of the pressure, many patients experience changes in their numbers motivated by nervousness that makes them take of the pressure the blood in your query , which is known to Sndrome white coat. The MAP, however, to take The pressure at home and every 20 minutes during 24 hours, eliminates this effect, and in addition, provides information on nocturnal blood The pressure, variable which is related very closely with the sighting of cardiovascular events.

About EVOLVE study
 This is an observational study that includes annual monitoring for 4 years, and who have an estimated sample of 4041 patients and diabetics prediabticos.

 The main objective is to evaluate the value of the pressure Prognosis blood, determined by different measurement tcnico (PA clinician, AMPA and MAP), the incidence of cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients with diabetes Type 2 or prediabticos.

 Having the participation of special schools in Occupational Medicine, Primary centers and units Caution hypertensin hospital.

 The results of this study are called to lay the groundwork for the application in the experience Training of health surveillance information that facilitates the MAP. Supondrn results that the establishment of the MAP as indispensable in the diagnosis and monitoring of hypertension. It is, therefore, one that aims RESEARCH final response to the urgent need to improve the approach of HBP.

CARDIORISC reaches 100,000 patient-controlled MAP
Consolidndose as follows CARDIORISC largest database of MAP worldwide this month after achieving the 100,000 patients evaluated monitorizacin system of the pressure ambulatory blood 24 hours.

CARDIORISC continuous growth recorded since its inception in 2004, shows its consolidaciny as it reaffirms the largest database of maps of all Europe. CARDIORISC platform, driven by SEH-LELHA in liaison with ulcer, a laboratory that has established itself as the center and engine of knowledge about cardiovascular risk, plans to continue this upward trend, for which last move by introducing new tcnico diagnosis that improve the cardiovascular risk integral Benchmarks.

SESPAS Declaration of the XIII Congress held in Seville.

The XIII Congress of the Society Espaola administracinė of public health and Health (SESPAS), which under the banner of Times for PUBLIC HEALTH was held in Seville from 3 to 6 March 2009 and the we have assisted some 1,300 experts and professionals in different fields of health openly about all Espaa, remember the following statement:

In the world we live in, where the determinants of health are increasingly global ms, we lack sufficient effective mechanisms of protection in the field worldwide. Urge for establishing, as such have the appropriate international regulatory procedures. We ask that the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, the International Labor organization and the World Trade organization, taking into account the health of poblacina when making their decisions. Arrangements should reform and strengthen multilateral agencies responsible for health-Specific, as the World Health organization.

Limited health inequalities and social development of public health measures can reduce them. Investing in Health, educaciny development of women, for example, one way to improve the health of all people, since they are mainly affected by the majority of social determinants such as poverty, precarious discriminacin employment and the sharing of power.

Climtico change is a real threat to the health of humanity, especially for people and vulnerable ms passes, so it requires an immediate response. We demand the Government of Spain, European governments and Autonmicos Local Authorities effective actions to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in compliance with the Kyoto Protocol and adopting new international agreements in the same direction. These actions must be aimed at changing the system energtico and transport, or development of renewable energies and sustainable mobility, and no slo permitirn reduce CO2 emissions level but also No atmosfricos many other pollutants that now have significant impacts on our cities. We demand of enterprises and held in public and private entities responsible action to reduce their own emissions, and call the ciudadanaa participate responsibly in this collective effort. En la medida en que, adem s, son necesarias medidas de adaptaci n al cambio clim tico que ya se est produciendo, la salud deber a estar en el centro de las pol ticas nacionales de adaptaci n as in programs of cooperation with the countries vulnerable ms.

In the recent years has developed a process uncontrolled urbaniza without an adequate territorial ordenacin present and future needs of people. As the healthy city let alone anyone else has been completely absent from the process developed in the ltimos urbansticos years. We demand much of those responsible for the incorporacin PUBLIC health value in planificacin estratgica future urban cities and towns.

Sistmica The Economic and global crisis we suffer is a significant impact on poblacin, ms brutal in the excluded and with fewer resources. We require the strengthening of social policies that reduce the negative impact on the affected poblacinms. The current crisis has its causes and responsible so you should not persist in growth patterns and predators and unsustainable development. The crisis can be an opportunity if we learn the lecciny act accordingly, changing things. Not that there is another world possible, is that right now is imperative.

We call the attention on the growing medicalizacin of daily life due to the role the pharmaceutical industry and medical technologists, but Also health administrations, professional and health services. The growth of health costs, partly due to demand, medicalizaciny Also depends on the exponential growth of sophisticated technological and drugs of last generation that, in most cases, provide low added value. Preocupacin particular raises the magnitude reached by the adverse effects of medical attention, which have become a real problem of public health.

It is necessary therefore to undertake major changes. First, change the rules in relations between the administracinė Sanitary and health professionals (and their institutions and associations) on one side and industry on the other.
Second, redefine the relationships between all these actors and the society itself, especially in the necessary participation in making decisions about new services and incorporacin health technologists to avoid populist decisions on the enlargements No portfolio of preventive services (without an independent process of evaluation will deliberate upon their impact and opportunity costs), and prevent or at least hinder the Propagation of wrongdoing beliefs and false expectations about the power of health services to prevent any risk or to treat any life event.

We must refocus our health system towards health or development and community participation, strengthening public health. In that sense, must rethink the coordi relaciny between different levels of care and public health, especially those of primary attention, as to improve the coordination between the National Health System and the Social Security. Assuming responsibility for our part, we propose an alliance between estratgica citizens' associations, professional and Scientific and health systems that could exploit the crisis to effectively reorient health policies to the needs of poblacin, reducing this medicalizaciny thus iatrogenic.

In our European natural Pblico Health occupies a marginal place in the agendas POLICIES-institutional and intersectoral approach to health determinants personal portfolio has a strong presence. We therefore need to strengthen our relationship with the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and, together, claim the European institutions and governments with greater commitment and strategy PUBLIC HEALTH Health in All POLICIES .

For last of them, and on the basis of experience gained in the years ltimos where errors estn Also, we strongly support reform movements and of public health Actualizacin initiated in several communities Autnomas, as the commitment of the Ministry of Health of a new law promoting public health. Actualizacin reform initiatives and to be carried out in a transparent and participatory, with the professionals, but ciudadanay Also with other sectors and social actors. The participation of society, with an articulacin difficulties involved, remains an unresolved between us, but we can no longer for people but with them, recognizing the right of cities legtimo aa participate in making decisions affecting their health.

We live in times of crisis and uncertainty, but the crisis is threatening ms of not wanting to fight to overcome it. We put our knowledge and our abilities to service changes and changes needed to make all people equal opportunity, can lead a healthy ms.

These are times for PUBLIC HEALTH!

Biomrieux test launches innovative molecular diagnostics for the prevention of cncer of crvix.

bioMrieux, lder worldwide in the field of in vitro diagnostics, has launched NucliSENS EasyQ HPV, a molecular diagnostics test for human papillomavirus deteccin used in the prevention of c cervical cancer.

The neck cncer uterus is one of the leading causes of death among women in the development passes you, and in addition, is the second type of common cncer ms worldwide. Every year 250,000 ms muertes.1 causes human papillomavirus, or HPV, is responsible for 99.7% of cases of uterino.2 neck cncer Numerous investigations have demonstrated that genotypes 16 and 18 cause about 70% of uterus neck cnceres HPV-induced wide world.3

In most cases, infection by HPV is transient. However, in 20% of women may have a persistent and cause injury carcter cervical (neck of the uterus). Of 1 to 10% of these lesions may develop into a cancer of crvix. It is therefore very important to identify clearly and early the infeccin in women who are at high risk of developing this type of cancer.

The tcnico of molecular diagnostics for HPV deteccin are used in screening patients with suspected precancerous cervical lesions.

These methods, described, along with anlisis citolgicos (crvico-vaginal smear), help determine a qu women, those with abnormal results citolgicos (ASCUS *), they must guide immediately to biopsy and tratamiento.4

The majority of the current HPV molecular tests allow deteccin-DNA-virus genome in cervical cells;. However, the positive test result indicates a infeccin only HPV, whether transient or persistent. These tests do not eval oncognica virus activity, ie its potential to cause cancer.

It is known that after the integration of the viral genome into the genome of the cells cervical Husped occurs expresin PROTEIN oncognicas the persistent viral E6 and E7.

This involves expresin abnormal modificacin cell cycle, leading to an increased cellular proliferacin, starting as a process of malignizacin from the cervix. Indeed, this seal represents an early marker of cncer.5

Reported by various publications, 6,7,8 of the deteccin The expression of oncogenes E6/E7 (mRNA level) est closely linked to the presence of high grade precancerous lesions in women who have a type cytology ASCUS / LSIL **. That is why this type of experiment is ms-Specific, and has great value in health surveillance methods, described comparacin with deteccin based on DNA. As the results immediately orient patients to undergo a colposcopy, significantly decreasing the number of invasive examinations Intil (biopsies, other colposcopy) .9

* ASCUS: squamous cells; atpicas of undetermined significance

** LSIL: squamous intraepithelial lesions of low grade

EasyQ NucliSENS HPV tests are based on an innovative concept that detects The expression of risk factors oncognicos E6 and E7 in 5 ms frequent HPV types for this type of Cancer (HPV 16, 18, 31, 33 and 45). Thanks to this-Specific diagnostics, the new method offers professionals a valuable health surveillance test, which can improve significantly the attention of patients.

Recognizing the value of the evidence clinician for deteccin of E6/E7 mRNA rpidamente expands its proof is in incorporacin recent Danish national recommendations for the diagnostics of neck cncer of uterus.


1. WHO website referred pages / NCCC websites

2. Walboomers, et al., Human papillomavirus is a necessary cause of invasive cervical cancer worldwide.J. Pathol. 1999, 189: 12-19

3. Kahn et al., The elevated 10-year risk of high risk of cervical cancer in women with HPV type 16 or 18. J. Nat Cancer Inst 2005, Vol 97, n 14

4. Wright TC, Schiffman M, Solomon D et al., Interim guidance for the use of human papillomavirus DNA testing as an adjunct to cervical cytology for screening. Obstet Gynecol. 2004; 103:304-309

5. Zur Hausen et al. Papillomavirus and cancer: from basic studies to clinical application. Nat Rev Cancer 2002, 2: 342-50.

6. Lie et al., DNA-versus RNA-based methods for HPV detection in cervical neoplasia. Gynec. Onc. 2005, 97: 908-915

7. Molden et al., Comparison of HPV mRNA and DNA detection: a cross-sectional study of 4136 women> 30 years of age with a 2-years follow-up of high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. Int J. Cancer 2005; 114: 973-976

8. Cuschieri et al., HPV type specific DNA and RNA persistence-implications for cervical disease progression and monitoring. J. Virol.2004 Med, 73: 65-70
9. Molden et al., Predicting CIN2 + when detecting HPV mRNA and DNA by PreTect HPV-Proofer and consensus PCR: a 2-year Follow-up of women with ASCUS or LSIL Pap smear. Int J. Cancer 2005; 114: 973-976

10. Screening for Cervical Cancer. Sundhedsstyrelsen, Denmark, 2007

About bioMrieux, lder worldwide in the field of in vitro diagnostics for 45 years, bioMrieux est present in 150 ms travs passes of 39 subsidiaries and a extensive network of distributors. In 2007, the volume totaled bioMrieux facturacin of 1 063 million, of which 84% corresponds to its international activity.

bioMrieux offers diagnostics solutions (reagents, instruments and software) which determine the source of a disease or contaminacin to improve patient health and ensure consumer safety. BioMrieux products are used in the diagnostics of infectious diseases and provide health surveillance valuable results for cardiovascular emergencies and the diagnostics and monitoring of cancer. Also used for deteccin microorganisms in agri-food products and cosmetics farmacuticos.

bioMrieux is a company listed on NYSE Euronext Paris. (Cdigo: BIM - Cdigo ISIN: FR0010096479).

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

cosmetic surgery age 16

Istanbul University (IU) Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Specialist Professor. Dr. Oğuz Çetinkale, excellent or better for an image requested cosmetic surgery, the long years of hard working conditions of the traces of fatigue, caused by a bad case of the spirit reflected in the face and physics in order to correct the statement had been demanded.

"Applying an important part of the patient, or other similar reasons for a new beginning is coming. Problem, replete with errors, considered to be unwanted or irritating many people who want to get rid of the past, known to change expression known to have plastic surgery is like. "

Especially from people who want a divorce, and serve with the aesthetics of the 80 percent rate of change in identity that indicates Çetinkale, this surgery is done without a court order not stressed.

Çetinkale, who go for plastic surgery to make sure of that by taking years to fall to 16, said:
"Aesthetic surgery is done for 16-17 years in the youth, families began to contact the clinics. Plastic surgeon as an emergency before the age of 18, except we do not recommend plastic surgery to be done. However, some young people are obsessed with plastic surgery to do so insistent on this issue are for. In this case, families with children 18 years of age to complete the University exams are recommended to set the conditions get better scores. "

Expressed to this proposal, families who look hot Çetinkale, "So the child's heart is unbroken and has encouraged young people to university exams," he said.

Most are applying for aesthetic nose anlatan Çetinkale, "Men women breast growth type correction, the fat girl is fat turn, did not develop breast prosthesis in place and botoks request to apply to us," he spoke.

What is Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery?

Plastic Surgery of physical dysfunction is corrected, accidents, illnesses, congenital defects and disorders of the specific branch of medicine is a decrease investigate.

Plastic forming of the word in ancient Greek, which means the format "plastos derived from the word. Plastic surgery encompasses both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery on.

Aesthetic surgery of face and body shape for the feature and to fix a person's appearance by making good purposes. Reconstructive surgery of the face or body to rebuild, repair or strengthen the physical functions. An accident, illness or congenital deformation of the second degree is minimized. Plastic surgery, aesthetic surgery, a reconstruction of the area where the tissues are damaged or deformed again to revert to the repair process.

History of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ..

Plastic and aesthetic surgery of the history of BC Up to 600 years based lü. Documents of this period, India remained disconnected as a penalty after being cut to the nose tip describes how the repair. Modern plastic surgery in the 19th yy also began to develop. First known in history of breast reduction surgery in 1669 to start making a real success of surgery in 1900 were the years of lü. Real growth in plastic surgery, especially with the wars 2nd With world war had, in this war, emerging applications and the maintenance of organ loss was well developed. S first wife in 1950 in stretching surgery Liposuction (oil import) methods and procedures to be implemented after the 1960-70 lerden began to develop. Breast surgery began in 1963 in the use of silicone prostheses. Today is a very popular methods used in cosmetic surgery is rapidly developing and diversifying.

Why is important and necessary to be beautiful?

Plastic and aesthetic surgery, is of interest to people that want to be good for the stems. Women or men from other people with good life is always more lucky since birth and can be successful. Fine was born a baby born more than a nurse does not care about the room to see, crying for everyone who deals with him first. In school life, teachers and friends every time he shows more interest and understanding are. This situation will continue in business. Jobs in the candidates with equal conditions for business is always good. Of a Mexican plastic surgeon says, "Beauty is more efficient than the best reference letters. These people rely on their own is too much in human relationships can be more successful. So in short, except for exceptional beauty for success in life is necessarily a requirement. Plastic and aesthetic surgery, the goal of their own people to gain self-confidence and its relationship with the environment to be more successful and happy to help.

Why are cosmetic surgery and who?

People who are satisfied with the appearance of their peace, and social relations more successful in business life, love and marriage can be happy in your life easier. Not satisfied with the appearance, position kendilerince defects as they are applied to us for correction. This complex is defective or think they do or where they are contacting us for work required surgery.

For example, a woman with small breast surgery patients from 1 month after I met someone and got married within 4 months. Here the main influence on the enlargement of her breasts, but the person's own self-confidence increased as a result is more successful in human relationships. Another example of a patient model from my breast and nose surgery improves the job very well is make money and more popular, he said.

Draw the person's self-satisfied with the image is in place. Business and social life is successful. Relations are comfortable. Look in the mirror when no one's face is not worthy, after pregnancy, such as the former wife of the plane or the side that lost elasticity and sag and rind see think of the bad and the environment in its relationship with the arrest and can act incompatible

Aesthetic Surgery is the most appropriate candidates who?

According to statistics, every year, millions of people, to make images more beautiful aesthetic surgery referenced. Some significant changes in size and some are seeking footling corrections.

A long time regarded as the savior of women are only cosmetic surgery today a lot of good results and discover the advantages also attracts the attention of men. For example, men and women show similarities in the nose surgery. Some men want to get rid of the fat. Oils for men breasts, waist and abdomen, while women gathered in the waist, hips, thigh, abdomen and sometimes in hock to accumulate. Laser epilation is more popular way, men think that women have disturb the aesthetic appearance as well as want to get rid of hair.

Many plastic surgery techniques and school preparation for surgery but usually occurs in three stages. One, to prepare yourself psychologically for the surgery. The other is whether or not favorable to the health of your surgery to determine the need for laboratory analysis and research to be done, such as x-ray images. Third you want the plastic surgery specialist your doctor's surgery and the possiblities that this is what will be decided is the most important stage. Here, a plastic surgeon and patient selection as well suited for plastic surgery patients choose the doctors on both sides that adapt to each other is very important.

The most appropriate candidates for cosmetic surgery because of defects can be corrected deformity residents. The person who heard the disturbance outside appearance, correct aesthetic defects after life is starting to look much more fun. Your face or your body "fix" allows you to regain your confidence in yourself. But it also does not guarantee happiness. One day my nose surgery done surgery immediately after a sick lady in bed "Doctor, I ask you guys do not get one now" he said.

Against nearby ...

Undoubtedly, many people want to change after plastic surgery. However, this change resulted from plastic surgery to be understood that the number of not very high.

But men have cosmetic surgery to women than to hide the power. Because women make up marks on the bottom of the operation can easily hide. Aesthetic surgery around us will tell you our decision kalmıştır.Bazıları your surgery will be explained to all the friends, while some others have gizlerler.Ne state secret that the environment, such as what you have plastic surgery to tell you, you have an operation to store the energy expenditure is easier to forget. Nevertheless, the difference is less than your transition period has some ways to make. Most of the proposed road at the same time is to change your style. Thus, changes in your appearance, except for people in your environment, not the surgery, due to changes in your style you will feel. That is, the weight can change the style or color of your hair or you can wear contact lenses instead of glasses.

Who should have an operation.?

If you'd decided to have plastic surgery and aesthetic plastic surgery specialists always have to be examined. This surgeon is a member of the Turkish Association of Plastic surgery and plastic surgery in the branch must have a diploma showing specialize. Interests you in detail all aspects of learning from these experts should be applied and the type of surgical technique is appropriate you should identify with your surgeon, complications and risks that could occur should ask as previously detailed.

Most are doing.

* Nasal congestion in the nose, and beautiful way to troubleshoot ...

* Breast enlargement ...

* Breast reduction and steepen the ...

* In cases where the breast is taken heavens are ...

* Abdominal strain ...

* Liposuction (abdomen, waist, hips, legs, ankle to get fat, etc) ...

* The receipt of oil in the thigh ...

* Get the stream ...

* Kas removal ...

* Eye lids gerilmesi, to get the bag ...

* Face rejuvenescence ...

* Neck lift tickle ...

* Botox and wrinkle correction of ...

* Lips thickening ...

* Face the lines of fat or tissue cocktail injection ...

* Face "peeling" i (paring) ...

* Laser treatment of facial spots in the rural and ...

* Hair sowing ...

* Laser Hair Removal ...